Can Plants Survive Without Animals Or Humans (2021)

Can Plants Survive Without Animals Or Humans

As a student do you also think Can plants survive without animals or humans?
There is no doubt our environment is interlinked with each other and that’s why the answer to this question is very important can plants survive without animals or humans?

Before knowing the answer can plants survive without animals or humans, firstly get some insights about plants working process with the environment, so this really helps you to find out the answer to the question.

Can plants survive without animals or humans? ( insights)

Can Plants Survive Without Animals Or Humans (2021)


1. Plants are Autotroph:

As all, you know plants are autotrophs they make their own food with the help of photosynthesis. They are not dependent on others for their food.

2. Respiration:

Plants have the ability to produce both oxygen & carbon dioxide. If there is no animals or humans the concentration of oxygen is increased. Plants have no problem in managing their respiration cycle.


Nature already provides all the essential resources that plants need to survive like sunlight, water, Carbon, Nitrogen & soil. So plants can live a long and healthy life without any interruption.


There are no doubts animals or humans really play an important role in pollination but it doesn’t mean that without animals there is no pollination is possible. Wind & water also helps plants in their pollination.

5.Soil fertility:

Animals like earthworms or other microorganisms really play an important role in improving soil fertility and help plants to gain nutrients, but it doesn’t mean plants can not survive. Plants also grow without any problem but the growth of plants may be a little bit slow or improper.

Bottom line:

There is no doubt both animals & Plants really play an important role in maintaining a balance in the environment, but if we talk about can plants survive without animals or humans? The answer is yes. There is no problem for plants to survive without animals or humans.

Can Plants Survive Without Animals Or Humans (2021)

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