Do you want to know what is the importance of nitrogen in plants? Nitrogen generally presents in healthy soil and make plants capable of produce vegetable & fruits.
If you are totally new and did not have any idea what is the importance of nitrogen in plants, then you are coming to the right place. In the end, you are able to know what is the importance of nitrogen in plants and how it is impossible for plants to survive without Nitrogen.
What is the importance of nitrogen in plants? (Reasons)
1. There is no doubt nitrogen is one f the paramount component that really plays an important role in plants’ cell structuring and growth.
2.Without nitrogen you can not imagine the internal or external metabolism in plants. Plants require complex molecules that play important role in maintaining the metabolic process in plants & without nitrogen the formation of complex molecules is not possible.
3.Like animals plants also need micro & macronutrient to keep them healthy and nitrogen is one of the main nutrients that play an important role in lats growth.
4.As you know plants are a sessile organism, so they unable to move from one place to another, so they require a continuous supply of nutrients like amino acids, protein, nucleic acid, etc and nitrogen is essential nutrients that require for the production of all components.
5.Due to nitrogen the plants get healthy green color, rapid vegetation growth & high yield growth in crop plants.
6.There is no doubt Nitrogen is one of the main components of chlorophyll and because of chlorophyll plants are able to receive sunlight from the sun, without chlorophyll plants not able to complete the process of photosynthesis and they unable to make their food.
7.Because of nitrogen the growth of hydroponic plants is possible. In hydroponic agriculture the nitrogen helps plants to survive without soil, they help plants to absorb minerals &nutrients from water that is mix previously.
8. Due to nitrogen deficiency, the growth of plants is stunted, the color of leaves is turning yellow and it’s hard to plant survive for a long time.
9.Nitrogen plays an important role in making cells in plants, essential metabolic process, and the formation of protein and enzyme.
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